Doc. dr Srđan Milošević




Kabinet: IV (I sprat)


  • Doktorske studije  Pravni fakultet Univerziteta Union u Beogradu i Pravni fakultet Univerziteta Milano-Bikoka (2024)
  • Doktorske studije – Filozofski fakultet, Univerzitet u Beogradu (2016)
  • Osnovne studije – Pravni fakultet Univerziteta UNION u Beogradu (2020)
  • Osnovne studije – Filozofski fakultet, Univerzitet u Beogradu (diplomirani istoričar ekviv. zvanju master istoričar) (2007)


Osnovne akademske studije

  • Rimsko pravo
  • Istorija prava


  1. Istorija pred sudom. Interpretacija prošlosti i pravni aspekti u rehabilitaciji kneza Pavla Karađorđevića, (Beograd: Fabrika knjiga, 2013).
  2. Hod po žici: o ustavnosti ograničenja slobode veroispovesti u vanrednom stanju proglašenom u Srbiji usled epidemije bolesti Covid-19, Pravni zapisi 1/2020, 173–203.
  3. Land Property Regime According to the Vidovdan Constitution and the Agrarian Question  in the Kingdom of the Serbs, Croats and SlovenesTokovi istorije, Vol. 29, No. 3, 2021, pp. 11–35.
  4. Owning Land in Central Serbia: Contemporary Notions and Practices: The Case of Mrčajevci, u: H. Siegrist, D. Müller (eds.), Property in East Central Europe: Notions, Institutions, and Practices of Landownership in the Twentieth Century, New York–Oxford, Berghahn Books, 2014, pp. 246–267.
  5. The Agrarian Reform – “A Divine Thing”. Ideological aspects of the agrarian reform in the Kingdom of Serbs, Croats, and Slovenes/Yugoslavia, u: eds. D. Müller, A. Harre (eds.), Transforming Rural Societies. Agrarian Property and Agrarianism in the Nineteenth and Twentieh Centuries, Institute for Rural History, Studienverlag, Insbruk, Wien, Bozen, 2011, pp. 47–62.